XI/ON: XN-1RS232 09/2011 MN05002013Z-EN www.eaton.com 714 Integrating the Module in CANopenObject descriptionTable 34: Meaning of the data bitsDesignation Value DescriptionSTATRES 0 - 1 The STATRES bit is used for resetting the STATbit of the process input data (object 5601hex )The STAT bit is reset (from 0 to 1) with the tran-sition from 1 to 0 (falling edge).If this bit is 0, all changes in the data fieldsTX_BYTE_CNT, TX_CNT and RX_CNT_ACK areignored. The clearing of the receive and transmitbuffer by RXBUF FLUSH/TXBUF FLUSH ispossible.The value 1 or the transition from 0 to 1 disablesthe clearing of the receive and transmit buffer bythe RXBUF FLUSH/TXBUF FLUSH.RX_CNT_ACK 0 - 3 The value RX_CNT_ACK is a copy of the valueRX_CNT. The value RX_CNT was transferredtogether with the last data segment of theprocess input data (object 5601 hex ).The value RX_CNT_ACK is a confirmation ofsuccessful acceptance of the data segmentusing RX_CNT.TX_CNT 0 - 3 The value TX_CNT is transferred together withevery data segment of the process output data.The sequence of the TX_CNT values is:00->01->10->11->00...(decimal: 0->1->2->3->0...)A faulty sequence indicates that data segmentsare missing.TX_BYTE_CNT 0 - 7 Number of valid user data bytes in this datasegment.RXBUF FLUSH 0 - 1 The RXBUF FLUSH bit is used for clearing thereceive buffer.If STATRES = 1:A request with RXBUF FLUSH = 1 will beignored.If STATRES = 0:RXBUF FLUSH = 1 will clear the receive buffer.