XI/ON: XN-1RS232 09/2011 MN05002013Z-EN www.eaton.com 533 Integrating the Module in DeviceNetRS232 Module Class (VSC114)121(79hex )RX COUNTACKNOWL-EDGEG/S USINT The value RX COUNT ACKNOWL-EDGE is a copy of the valueRX COUNT. The value RX COUNTwas transferred together with thelast data segment of the processinput data.The value RX COUNT ACKNOWL-EDGE is an acknowledgement ofsuccessful acceptance of the datasegment using RX COUNT.122(7Ahex )STATUSRESETCONTROLG/S BOOL This bit is used for resetting theSTATUS bit of the process inputdata.The STATUS bit is reset (from 0 to1) with the transition from 1 to 0(falling edge).If this bit is 0, all changes in thedata fields TX BYTE CNT, TX CNTand RX CNT ACKNOWLEDGE areignored. The clearing of the receiveand transmit buffer by PROCESSCONTROL DATA is possible.The value 1 or the transition from 0to 1 disables the clearing of thereceive and transmit buffer by thePROCESS CONTROL DATA.123(7Bhex )PROCESSCONTROLDATAG/S BYTE Bit 0: 0 = ok1 = flush TX buffer"Clear transmit bufferBit 1: 0 = ok1 = "flush RX buffer"Clear receive bufferBit 2 to 7: ""124(7Chex )TX DATA G/S ARRAYOF BYTESend dataNumber: 0 to 7 bytes.Attr.no.dec.(hex.)AttributenameAccess Type Description