XI/ON: XN-1RS232 09/2011 MN05002013Z-EN www.eaton.com 332 Integrating the Module in PROFIBUS-DPFunction blocks for SIMATIC S7Table 11: Input variables of FBSENDRSXXXVariable MeaningEnable 1: Transmit data enabled.0: Transmit data disabled.Quit 1: Error messages are reset (acknowledgement of errors).Communication is stopped.0: These are retained if error messages are present.CLRBuf_Send 1: The clearing of the transmit buffer is preset. The bufferis always successfully cleared if:Enable = 0andQuit = 10: No influence on the module function.RxD_K1 Start address for the 8-byte input address range of theXN-1RS232 module.The SIMATIC STEP 7 software assigns the addressranges to the appropriate modules. The address rangesare selected and displayed in the hardware configurator ofthe software.WORD format is used for the addresses and thereforeconsists of 2 bytes.Example:The decimal value 258 must be transferred in hexadecimalcode as W#16#102.TxD_K1 Start address for the 8-byte output address range of theXN-1RS232 module.The SIMATIC STEP 7 software assigns the addressranges to the appropriate modules. The address rangesare selected and displayed in the hardware configurator ofthe software.WORD format is used for the addresses and thereforeconsists of 2 bytes.Example:The decimal value 258 must be transferred in hexadecimalcode as W#16#102.SendData Start address for storing transmit data. This is permissiblefor inputs, outputs, markers and data function blocks.Max_Bytes Maximum number of bytes to be transmitted. A maximumof 65536 bytes is possible.