XI/ON: XN-1RS232 09/2011 MN05002013Z-EN www.eaton.com 513 Integrating the Module in DeviceNetRS232 Module Class (VSC114)115(73hex )STATUS G BOOL 0 = "diag/error"Communication with the dataterminal device is faulty. A diagnos-tics signal is sent if DISABLE DIAG-NOSTICS = 0. The diagnostics dataindicates the cause of the commu-nication fault. This bit is reset bythe user together with STATUSRESET CONTROL.1 = "OK"Communication with the dataterminal device is not faulty.116(74hex )PROCCESSDIAGNOS-TICS DATAG BYTE Diagnostics information:The diagnostics data is part of theprocess input data if ACTIVEMODE = 1 and "2bytes ctrl/statusheader" has been set.Diagnostics messages:Bit 0 to 2: ""Bit 3: 0 = "OK"1 = "parameter error":The set parameter values are notsupported.Bit 4: 0 = "OK"1 = "hardware failure":The module must be exchanged asthe EEPROM or UART may, forexample, be faulty.Bit 5: 0 = "OK"1 = "handshake error":The data terminal deviceconnected to the XN-1RS232module is not responding to theXOFF or RTS handshake.The internal receive buffer canoverflow.Attr.no.dec.(hex.)AttributenameAccess Type Description