XI/ON: XN-1RS232 09/2011 MN05002013Z-EN www.eaton.com 91 Product DescriptionGeneral product description1 Product DescriptionGeneral product descrip-tionThe XN-1RS232 technology module is an additionto the XI/ON range of components in slice design.It allows the transfer of serial data streams via theRS232 interface using the XI/ON system, andtherefore enables various devices to beconnected, such as printers, scanners or bar codereaders, that use the RS232 interface for commu-nication. The interface transfers the data receivedfrom the device to the communication partner(such as a PLC) or transfers data to be sent fromthe communication partner to the device.The module can be fitted or removed during oper-ation without damaging the module electronics.Once the module is removed or fitted, this isdetected with the next telegram, the module list isupdated and communication with all modules ofthe station is restored.Power supplyThe XN-1RS232 interface is fed with an isolatedpower supply from the module bus. The modulebus electronics unit is likewise fed by the modulebus.Transmission procedureThe XN-1RS232 module allows the flexibletransfer of serial data. The parameters of themodule can be configured by the user to set up afunctional transmission procedure as required.The following transfer parameters can be config-ured: