4 Integrating the Module in CANopenCANopen process data72 XI/ON: XN-1RS232 09/2011 MN05002013Z-EN www.eaton.comCANopen process data The data objects of the XN-1RS232 modulescannot be mapped in default PDOs (PDOs1 to 4)as they are not treated as I/O modules, in accor-dance with DS401 (1st Device Profile in XN-GW-CANopen).PDO18 and PDO19 (RPDO18/19 + TPDO18/19)are therefore prepared for use as RS232/4xxPDOs in order to enable PDO communication withXN-1RS232 modules with little configurationrequired.The first XN-1RS232 module generates in theTPDO18 a mapping entry object 5601 hex /Si 1 andin RPDO18 a mapping entry object 5602 hex /Si 1.The second XN-1RS232 module generates inTPDO19 a mapping entry object 5601 hex Si 2 andin RPDO19 a mapping entry object 5602 hex /Si 2.The PDOs must however only be enabled by avalid COB-Id.Other XN-1RS232 modules can be mapped by theuser to free PDOs or addressed with SDO commu-nication.TXBUF FLUSH 0 -1 The TXBUF FLUSH bit is used for clearing thetransmit buffer.If STATRES = 1:A request with TXBUF FLUSH = 1 will beignored.If STATRES = 0:TXBUF FLUSH = 1 will clear the receive buffer.Designation Value Description