XI/ON: XN-1RS232 09/2011 MN05002013Z-EN www.eaton.com 674 Integrating the Module in CANopenObject descriptionTable 30: Meaning of the data bitsDesignation Value DescriptionSTAT 0-1 1: Communication with the data terminal device isnot faulty.0: Communication with the data terminal device isfaulty. A diagnostics signal is sent if DisableDiag-nostics = 0 (diagnostics activated).. The diagnos-tics data indicates the cause of the communicationfault.This bit must be reset by the user with STATRESin the process output data field (object 5602 hex ).TX_CNT_ACK 0-3 The value TX_CNT_ACK is a copy of the valueTX_CNT. The value TX_CNT was transferredtogether with the last data segment of the processoutput data.The value TX_CNT_ACK is a confirmation ofsuccessful acceptance of the data segment usingTX_CNT.RX_CNT 0-3 The value RX_CNT is linked and transferredtogether with every data segment of the processinput data. The sequence of the RX_CNT values is:00->01->10->11->00...(decimal: 0->1->2->3->0...)A faulty sequence indicates that data segmentsare missing.RX_BYTE_CNT 0-7 Number of valid bytes in this data segment.BufOvfl Bit 7 0 = ok1 = Buffer overflowThe receive buffer (RX buffer) has overflowed.FrameErr Bit 6 0 = ok1 = Frame errorThe XN-1RS232 module parameters must bedefined in order to be adapted to the data struc-ture of the DTE.A frame error is output if the parameter setting(number of data bits, stop bits, type of parity) is notsuitable.