English29Don’t put it crossways - it will not fitproperly and will be unstable.Don’t put it on the Wok burner or Highburner (right hand hotplate) - it is notdesigned to fit the High burner pansupport.The griddle can be lightly brushedwith cooking oil before use. Light thehotplate burners. Adjust the flameheights to suit.Preheat the griddle for a maximum of5 minutes before adding food. Leav-ing it longer may cause damage. Turnthe heat down by turning the controlknobs towards the lower positionmarked with the small flame symbol.Always leave space around the grid-dle for the gases to escape. Never fittwo griddles side by side.After cooking allow the griddle to coolbefore cleaning.WarmerUse the warmer for keeping foodwarm while the final touches are putto a meal. Turn the control knob anti-clockwise to the ‘On’ position. The‘HOT’ indicator lights up.CAUTION: - If a crack in the Warmersurface becomes visible, due to acci-dental damage etc., isolate the appli-ance from the electricity supply im-mediately by turning it off at the walland arrange for its repair.Do not reconnect the cooker to theelectricity supply until after repair!GrillCaution: Accessible parts may behot when the grill is in use. Youngchildren should be kept away.After placing your food on the grill traypan, slide the grill pan onto the sidesupports. Make sure it is pushed rightin and touches the backstop. The grillhas two heating elements, which al-low either the whole area of the panto be heated or only the right handhalf of the grill pan to be heated.Turn the knob to position 3.For best results preheat for 2 minuteswith the grill pan in position. Afterplacing your food on the grill pan grid,slide the grill pan onto the side sup-ports. Adjust the grill to suit by turningthe knob.Never close the grill door when thegrill is on.The grill pan grid can be turned overto give two grilling positions.Don’t leave the grill on for more thana few moments, without the grill panunderneath it.OvensThe two ovens in your cooker are ofdifferent types.The right hand oven is a fanned oven.The fan circulates hot air continu-ously which results in faster heattransfer to the food.The left hand conventional oven is fit-ted with two heating elements, onevisible in the top of the oven and thesecond under the oven base. Takecare to avoid touching the top ele-ment and element deflector whenplacing or removing items from theoven.Before using for the first time, heatthe ovens to 200 C for 30 minutes todispel manufacturing odours.Turn the oven knob to the tempera-ture you need. The oven indicatorlight will glow until the oven hasreached the temperature you se-lected. It will then cycle on and offduring cooking. When cooking foodswith high water content (e.g. ovenchips) there may be some steam vis-ible at the grille at the rear of the hot-plate. This is perfectly normal.The right hand fan oven has a fanonly setting ( ). The fan circulatesair inside the oven but the heating el-ement is not turned on. This setting isuseful for defrosting frozen foods.Whole chickens and large joints ofmeat should be defrosted in the re-frigerator. Do not defrost in a warmoven or whilst the adjoining oven ishot.The wire shelves should always bepushed firmly to the back of the oven.Baking trays meat tins etceterashould be placed level centrally onthe oven’s wire shelves. Keep alltrays and containers away from thesides of the oven, to allow the hot airto circulate.For even browning, the maximumrecommended size of a baking tray is325mm by 305mm.Cooking high moisture content foodscan create a ‘steam burst’, when theoven door is opened. When openingthe oven stand well back and allowany steam to disperse.When the oven is on, don’t leave thedoor open for longer than necessary,otherwise the knobs may get veryhot.Always leave a ‘fingers width’ be-tween dishes on the same shelf. Thisallows the heat to circulate freelyaround them.The Cook & Clean oven liners (see‘Cleaning your cooker’ section)work better when fat splashes areavoided. Cover meat when cooking.To reduce fat splashing when youadd vegetables to hot fat around aroast, dry them thoroughly or brushlightly with cooking oil.The Oven shelvesThe oven shelves can be easily re-moved and refitted.Pull the shelf forward until the back ofthe shelf is stopped by the shelf stopbumps in the oven sides.Lift up the front of the shelf so theback of the shelf will pass under theshelf stop and then pull the shelf for-ward.To refit the shelf, line up the shelf witha groove in the oven side and pushthe shelf back until the ends hit theshelf stop. Lift up the front so the shelfends clear the shelf stops, and thenlower the front so that the shelf islevel and push it fully back.