English31AUTO is showing, youwant to reset to manualcooking.When cancelling an automatic set-ting, any cooking time already setmust be returned to 0.00 before youcan return to manual, by pressing the( ) button.Cooking using thetimerThe timer can be used to turn just oneoven or both on and off automatically.The start and stop time must be thesame for both ovens but differentcooking temperatures can be set.If you want to turn one of the ovenson at the same time as the timer is setfor automatic cooking, you must waituntil the timer has turned on the oven/ovens first. Then you can adjust ei-ther of them manually in the normalway.You can set the oven to turn on anytime over the following 24 hour periodIf you want to cook more than onedish, choose dishes that require ap-proximately the same time. However,dishes can be ‘slowed down’ slightlyby using small containers and cover-ing them with aluminium foil, or‘speeded up’ slightly by cookingsmaller quantities or placing in largercontainers.Very perishable foods such as porkor fish should be avoided if a long de-lay period is planned, especially inhot weather.Don’t place warm food in the oven.Don’t use an oven already warm.Don’t use if an adjoining oven iswarm.Avoid using wine or beer if there is adelay period, as fermentation maytake place.To avoid curdling, cream should beadded to dishes just before serving.Fresh vegetables, which may discol-our during a delay period, should becoated in melted fat or immersed in awater and lemon juice solution.Fruit pies, custard tarts or similar wetmixtures on top of uncooked pastryare only satisfactory if there is a shortdelay period. Dishes containing lefto-ver cooked meat or poultry should notbe cooked automatically if there is adelay period.Whole poultry must be thoroughly de-frosted before placing in the oven.Check that meat and poultry are fullycooked before serving.Cleaning your cookerBefore thorough cleaning, isolate theelectricity supply. Remember toswitch on the electricity supply beforeuse.Never use paint solvents, washingsoda, caustic cleaners, biologicalpowders, bleach, chlorine basedbleach cleaners, coarse abrasives orsalt. Don’t mix different cleaning prod-ucts - they may react together withhazardous results.If you want to move your cooker forcleaning, see the section called ‘Mov-ing your cooker’.All parts of the cooker can be cleanedwith hot soapy water - but take carethat no surplus water seeps into theappliance.Hotplate burnersSome models have a separate trimring, which fits on the burner head.The burner heads and caps can beremoved for cleaning. Make sure theyare absolutely dry before replacing.GriddleAlways clean the griddle after use. Al-low it to cool completely before re-moving. Immerse the griddle plate inhot soapy water. Use a soft cloth or,for stubborn stains, a nylon washingup brush.NEVER USE CAUSTIC OR ABRA-SIVE CLEANERS AS THESE WILLDAMAGE THE SURFACE.The WarmerWipe with a soft cloth that has beensoaked in hot soapy water and thenwrung out. Avoid using abrasivecleaners, which may mark the glasssurface.GrillThe grill pan and grid should bewashed in hot soapy water. After grill-ing meats or any foods that soil, leaveto soak for a few minutes in the sinkimmediately after use. Stubborn parti-cles may be removed from the grid byusing a nylon brush.Control Panel and OvenDoorsAvoid using any abrasive cleaners in-cluding cream cleaners, on brushedStainless Steel surfaces. For best re-sults liquid detergents should be used.The control panel and control knobsshould only be cleaned with a softcloth wrung out in clean hot soapy wa-ter - but take care that no surplus wa-ter seeps into the appliance. Wipe witha clean dampened cloth then polishwith a dry cloth. The oven doorsshould only be cleaned with a softcloth wrung out in clean hot soapy wa-ter.OvenThe ovens have removable panelsthat have been coated with specialenamel that partly cleans itself.This does not stop all marks on the lin-ing, but helps to reduce the amount ofmanual cleaning needed.The Cook & Clean panels work betterabove 200°C. If you do most of yourcooking below this temperature, occa-sionally remove the panels and wipewith a lint free cloth and hot soapy wa-ter. The panels should then be driedand replaced and the oven heated at200°C for about one hour. This will en-sure the Cook & Clean panels areworking effectively.Don’t use steel wool (or any other ma-terials that will scratch the surface).Don’t use oven cleaning pads.Removing the OvenLiningsSome of the lining panels can be re-moved for cleaning and for cleaningbehind. Remove the shelves first.The right hand fanned oven has a re-movable oven roof.Slide the roof liner forward and re-move.Each side of the oven is fixed with fourfixing screws. You don’t have to re-move the screws to remove the ovenlinings. Lift each side panel upwardsand they will slide off the screws. Thenpull them forwards.Once the linings are removed, theoven enamel interior can be cleaned.When replacing the linings fit the sidelinings first.Make sure you fit the oven roof withthe slot at the front.