English32Moving your cookerSwitch off the electricity supply.The cooker is heavy; two people maybe required to move it.The cooker is fitted with one roller atthe front and two at the back. Thereare also two screw down levelling feetat the front.The front roller, designed for movingthe cooker can be wound down. Thelevelling tool that controls this roller isin the storage drawer compartment.Remove the storage drawer (by pull-ing it right out and lifting it up slightly)and you should see the levelling tool.Your installer may not have left thelevelling tool in place. If not, locate itas shown.If you cannot find the levelling tool,contact your installer. See the start ofthe ‘Installation’ section of this in-struction where the installer shouldhave written his contact details.Turn the levelling tool clockwise, twofull (180°) turns. It will be stiff. Thefront of the oven will rise slightly asthe roller drops down.Open the grill door and right handoven door so that you can get a goodgrip on the bottom of the fascia panelas you move the oven.Do not move the oven by pulling thehandrail, door handles or knobs.Move the oven a bit at a time, check-ing behind it to make sure the gashose is not caught. Make sure bothelectricity and gas cables have suffi-cient slack to move the cooker for-ward as you go along.If a stability chain is fitted, release itas you ease the cooker out.Don’t forget to refit it when you re-place the cooker.When you replace the cooker, againcheck behind to make sure that theelectricity and gas cables are notcaught or trapped.Wind the cooker down off the rollersby turning the levelling tool anti-clock-wise. This is important. It will stop thecooker moving accidentally, while inuse.TroubleshootingSteam is coming from theovenWhen cooking foods with a high watercontent (e.g. oven chips) there maybe some steam visible at the reargrille. Take care when opening theoven door, as there may be a mo-mentary puff of steam when the ovendoor is opened. Stand well back andallow any steam to disperse.The oven fan is noisyThe note of the oven fan may changeas the oven heats up - this is perfectlynormal.The knobs get hot when Iuse the oven or the grill,can I avoid this?Yes, this is caused by heat risingfrom the oven or the grill, and heatingthem up. Don’t leave the oven dooropen. Make sure that the grill pan ispushed right back to the ‘back stop’when grilling.If there is an installationproblem and I don’t getmy original installer tocome back to fix it whopays?You do. Service organisations willcharge for their call outs if they arecorrecting work carried out by youroriginal installer. It’s in your interest totrack down your original installer.Current Operated EarthLeakage BreakersWhere the cooker installation is pro-tected by a 30 milliamp sensitivity re-sidual current device (RCD), the com-bined use of your cooker and otherdomestic appliances may occasion-ally cause nuisance tripping. In theseinstances the cooker circuit may needto be protected by fitting 100mA de-vice. This work should be carried outby a qualified electrician.Food is cooking tooslowly, too quickly, orburningCooking times may differ from yourprevious oven. Individual tastes mayrequire the temperature to be alteredeither way, to get the results youwant. Try cooking at a higher or lowertemperature setting.The oven is not cookingevenlyDo not use a tin or tray larger than thebaking tray we supply (320mm x305mm).If you are cooking a large item, beprepared to turn it round during cook-ing.If two shelves are used, check thatspace has been left for the heat to cir-culate. When the baking tray is putinto the oven, make sure it is placedcentrally on the shelf.Check that the door seal is not dam-aged and that the door catch adjustedso that the door is held firmly againstthe seal.NB the seal on the left hand ovendoor is intended to have a gap at thebottom of the doorA dish of water when placed on theshelf should be the same depth allover. (For example, if it is deeper atthe back, then the back of the cookershould be raised up or the front low-ered). If the cooker is not level ar-range for your supplier to level it foryou.Oven not coming on whenturned on manuallyIs the power on? Is the clock illumi-nated? If not there may be somethingwrong with the power supply. Is thecooker supply on at the isolatorswitch? Is the clock flashing 0.00? Ifso set it to the correct time of day.Has the Timer been set to AUTO bymistake? If AUTO is showing on theclock display, press the ‘cook period’button and reduce any set cookingtime showing to 0.00, with the (+) and(-) buttons. Press the ( ) buttontwice. If this does not solve the prob-lem contact a service person.