GE Multilin C60 Breaker Protection System 1-31 GETTING STARTED 1.2 UR OVERVIEW11.2UR OVERVIEW 1.2.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE URThe GE Universal Relay (UR) series is a new generation of digital, modular, and multifunction equipment that is easilyincorporated into automation systems, at both the station and enterprise levels.1.2.2 HARDWARE ARCHITECTUREa) UR BASIC DESIGNThe UR is a digital-based device containing a central processing unit (CPU) that handles multiple types of input and outputsignals. The UR device can communicate over a local area network (LAN) with an operator interface, a programmingdevice, or another UR device.Figure 1–2: UR BLOCK DIAGRAMThe CPU module contains firmware that provides protection elements in the form of logic algorithms, as well as program-mable logic gates, timers, and latches for control features.Input elements accept a variety of analog or digital signals from the field. The UR isolates and converts these signals intologic signals used by the relay.Output elements convert and isolate the logic signals generated by the relay into digital or analog signals that are used tocontrol field devices.The unit and software are backwards-compatible with UR devices.b) UR SIGNAL TYPESThe contact inputs and outputs are digital signals associated with connections to hard-wired contacts. Both ‘wet’ and ‘dry’contacts are supported.The virtual inputs and outputs are digital signals associated with UR-series internal logic signals. Virtual inputs includesignals generated by the local user interface. The virtual outputs are outputs of FlexLogic™ equations used to customizethe device. Virtual outputs can also serve as virtual inputs to FlexLogic equations.The analog inputs and outputs are signals that are associated with transducers, such as Resistance Temperature Detec-tors (RTDs).The CT and VT inputs are analog current transformer and voltage transformer signals used to monitor AC power lines.The UR-series relays support 1 A and 5 A CTs.The remote inputs and outputs provide a means of sharing digital point state information between remote UR-seriesdevices. The remote outputs interface to the remote inputs of other UR-series devices. Remote outputs are FlexLogic oper-ands inserted into IEC 61850 GSSE and GOOSE messages.827822A3.CDRInput elementsLANProgrammingdeviceOperatorinterfaceContact inputs Contact outputsVirtual inputs Virtual outputsAnalog inputs Analog outputsCT inputsVT inputsInputstatustableOutputstatustablePickupDropoutOperateProtective elementsLogic GatesRemote outputs- IEC 61850CPU module Output elementsRemote inputsDirect inputs Direct outputs