5-60 C60 Breaker Protection System GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5• EXCH 1 DATA ITEM 1 to 20/50: These settings specify the data items that are part of this EGD exchange. Almost anydata from the C60 memory map can be configured to be included in an EGD exchange. The settings are the startingModbus register address for the data item in decimal format. Refer to Appendix B for the complete Modbus memorymap. Note that the Modbus memory map displays shows addresses in hexadecimal format. as such, it will be neces-sary to convert these values to decimal format before entering them as values for these setpoints.To select a data item to be part of an exchange, it is only necessary to choose the starting Modbus address of the item.That is, for items occupying more than one Modbus register (for example, 32 bit integers and floating point values),only the first Modbus address is required. The EGD exchange configured with these settings contains the data itemsup to the first setting that contains a Modbus address with no data, or 0. That is, if the first three settings contain validModbus addresses and the fourth is 0, the produced EGD exchange will contain three data items.q) IEC 60870-5-103 PROTOCOLPATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS IEC 60870-5-103The C60 is provided with optional IEC 60870-5-103 communications capability. This feature is specified asa software option at the time of ordering. See the Order Codes section in chapter 2 for details.The IEC 60870-5-103 protocol is enabled when the SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL set-ting is set to IEC 60870-5-103.IEC103 COMMON ADDRESS OF ASDU: This setting uniquely defines this C60 on the serial line. Select an ID between 0 and254. This ID does not need to be in sequential order for all stations that communicate with a controller, but it is recom-mended. Note that RS485 only allows a maximum of 32 slave stations on a communication line, so the entire range of 254addresses is never exhausted.IEC103 SYNC TIMEOUT: This setting defines the time that the C60 waits for a synchronization message. The C60 synchro-nizes its clock using all available sources, with the source synching more frequently overwriting the time of the othersources. Since the synchronization message received from the IEC 60870-5-103 master is less frequent than IRIG-B, PTP,or SNTP, its time is overwritten by these three sources, if any of them is active. If the synchronization timeout occurs andnone of IRIG-B, PTP, or SNTP is active, the C60 sets the invalid bit in the time stamp of a time-tagged message.The settings for the remaining menus are outlined as follows.PATH: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP COMMUNICATIONS IEC60870-5-103 IEC103 INPUTS BINARY IEC103 PROTOCOLIEC103 COMMONADDRESS OF ASDU: 0Range: 0 to 254 in steps of 1MESSAGE IEC103 SYNC TIMEOUT:1Range: 1 to 1440 min in steps of 1MESSAGE IEC103 INPUTS BINARYRange: see sub-menu belowMESSAGE IEC103 INPUTS MEASURANDSRange: see sub-menu belowMESSAGE IEC103 COMMANDSRange: see sub-menu below IEC103 INPUTS BINARY POINT 0Range: see sub-menu belowMESSAGE POINT 1Range: see sub-menu below↓MESSAGE POINT 95Range: see sub-menu below