GE Multilin C60 Breaker Protection System B-13APPENDIX B B.4 MEMORY MAPPINGB070E IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Param 3 0 to 65535 --- 1 F600 0070F IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Factor 3 0 to 65.535 --- 0.001 F001 10000710 IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Offset 3 -32768 to 32767 --- 1 F002 00711 IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Param 4 0 to 65535 --- 1 F600 00712 IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Factor 4 0 to 65.535 --- 0.001 F001 10000713 IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Offset 4 -32768 to 32767 --- 1 F002 00714 IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Param 5 0 to 65535 --- 1 F600 00715 IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Factor 5 0 to 65.535 --- 0.001 F001 10000716 IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Offset 5 -32768 to 32767 --- 1 F002 00717 IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Param 6 0 to 65535 --- 1 F600 00718 IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Factor 6 0 to 65.535 --- 0.001 F001 10000719 IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Offset 6 -32768 to 32767 --- 1 F002 0071A IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Param 7 0 to 65535 --- 1 F600 0071B IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Factor 7 0 to 65.535 --- 0.001 F001 1000071C IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Offset 7 -32768 to 32767 --- 1 F002 0071D IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Param 8 0 to 65535 --- 1 F600 0071E IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Factor 8 0 to 65.535 --- 0.001 F001 1000071F IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Offset 8 -32768 to 32767 --- 1 F002 00720 IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Param 9 0 to 65535 --- 1 F600 00721 IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Factor 9 0 to 65.535 --- 0.001 F001 10000722 IEC103 ASDU 1 Analog Offset 9 -32768 to 32767 --- 1 F002 00723 ...Repeated for IEC103 ASDU 20742 ...Repeated for IEC103 ASDU 30761 ...Repeated for IEC103 ASDU 4IEC 103 Commands (Read/Write Setting) (32 modules)0780 IEC103 Command 1 FUN 0 to 255 --- 1 F001 00781 IEC103 Command 1 INF 0 to 255 --- 1 F001 00782 IEC103 Command 1 Param ON 0 to 64 --- 1 F631 0 (OFF)0783 IEC103 Command 1 Param OFF 0 to 64 --- 1 F631 0 (OFF)0784 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 20788 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 3078C ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 40790 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 50794 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 60798 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 7079C ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 807A0 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 907A4 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 1007A8 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 1107AC ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 1207B0 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 1307B4 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 1407B8 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 1507BC ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 1607C0 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 1707C4 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 1807C8 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 1907CC ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 2007D0 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 2107D4 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 2207D8 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 2307DC ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 2407E0 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 2507E4 ...Repeated for IEC103 Command 26Table B–10: MODBUS MEMORY MAP (Sheet 5 of 66)ADDR REGISTER NAME RANGE UNITS STEP FORMAT DEFAULT