D-2 C60 Breaker Protection System GE MultilinD.1 IEC 60870-5-103 APPENDIX DDD.1.3 INTEROPERABILITY DOCUMENTThe boxes indicate the following: – used in standard direction; – not used.1. PHYSICAL LAYERElectrical interface EIA RS-48532 Number of loads for one protection equipmentOptical interface Glass fibre Plastic fibre F-SMA type connector BFOC/2.5 type connectorTransmission speed 9600 bits/s 19200 bits/s2. LINK LAYERThere are no choices for the link layer.3. APPLICATION LAYERTransmission mode for application dataMode 1 (least significant octet first), as defined in 4.10 of IEC 60870-5-4, is used exclusively in this companion stan-dard.Common address of ASDU One COMMON ADDRESS OF ASDU (identical with station address) More than one COMMON ADDRESS OF ASDUSelection of standard information numbers in monitor directionSystem functions in monitor directionINF Semantics <0> End of general interrogation <0> Time synchronization <2> Reset FCB <3> Reset CU <4> Start/restart <5> Power onStatus indications in monitor directionINF Semantics <16> Auto-recloser active <17> Teleprotection active <18> Protection active <19> LED reset <20> Monitor direction blocked <21> Test mode