CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS PRODUCT SETUPL60 LINE PHASE COMPARISON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-1055The configuration menu allows a maximum of four ASDUs containing measurands.Measurands are sent as a response to Class 2 requests, which are cyclic requests coming from the master.TYPE IDENTIFICATION (TYP) — The configuration field TYP indicates how many measurands are present in the correspondingASDU. Each ASDU can take either 4 or 9 measurands maximum, depending on the type identification (3 respectively 9). Forany change to take effect, restart the relay.FUNCTION TYPE (FUN) and INFORMATION NUMBER (INF) — These two fields form the Information Object Identifier of the ASDUas defined in IEC 60870-103. For any change to take effect, restart the relay.SCAN TIMEOUT (SCAN TOUT) — This is the cyclic period used by the L60 to decide when a measurand ASDU is included in aresponse. The measurand is sent as response to a Class 2 request when the corresponding timeout expires. The defaultvalue 0 means 500 ms. ASDU 1 ANALOG 1OffRange: FlexAnalog parameter ASDU 1 ANALOG 1FACTOR: 1.000Range: 0.000 to 65.535 in steps of 0.001 ASDU 1 ANALOG 1OFFSET: 0Range: -32768 to 32767 in steps of 1 ASDU 1 ANALOG 9OffRange: FlexAnalog parameter ASDU 1 ANALOG 9FACTOR: 1.000Range: 0.000 to 65.535 in steps of 0.001 ASDU 1 ANALOG 9OFFSET: 0Range: -32768 to 32767 in steps of 1 ASDU 4 ASDU 4 TYP:9Range: 3 or 9 ASDU 4 FUN:0Range: 0 to 255 in steps of 1 ASDU 4 INF:0Range: 0 to 255 in steps of 1 ASDU 4 SCAN TOUT:0Range: 0 to 1000 s in steps of 1 ASDU 4 ANALOG 1OffRange: FlexAnalog parameter ASDU 4 ANALOG 1FACTOR: 1.000Range: 0.000 to 65.535 in steps of 0.001 ASDU 4 ANALOG 1OFFSET: 0Range: -32768 to 32767 in steps of 1 ASDU 4 ANALOG 9OffRange: FlexAnalog parameter ASDU 4 ANALOG 9FACTOR: 1.000Range: 0.000 to 65.535 in steps of 0.001 ASDU 4 ANALOG 9OFFSET: 0Range: -32768 to 32767 in steps of 1