5-160 L60 LINE PHASE COMPARISON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSYSTEM SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5Figure 5-75: Recloser curve initialization5.4.6.4 ExampleA composite curve can be created from the GE_111 standard with MRT = 200 ms and HCT initially disabled and thenenabled at eight times pickup with an operating time of 30 ms. At approximately four times pickup, the curve operatingtime is equal to the MRT and from then onwards the operating time remains at 200 ms.Figure 5-76: Composite recloser curve with HCT disabledWith the HCT feature enabled, the operating time reduces to 30 ms for pickup multiples exceeding eight times pickup.The Multiplier and Adder settings only affect the curve portion of the characteristic and not the MRT and HCTsettings. The HCT settings override the MRT settings for multiples of pickup greater than the HCT ratio.