CHAPTER 3: INSTALLATION WIRINGL60 LINE PHASE COMPARISON SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3-193For high-density input/output modules 6W and 6X, use the following guidelines to connect:• 12 to 24 AWG (3.3 mm2 to 0.2 mm2 ), single wire termination• 16 to 24 AWG (1.31 mm2 to 0.2 mm2 ), multiple wire termination with matching wire sizes and stranding. Two wiresmaximum per circuit.• Suggested wiring screw tightening torque is a minimum 4.43 in-lb (0.5 Nm) and maximum 5.31 in-lb (0.6 Nm)• Minimum suggested temperature rating for the conductors is 75°C• Wire type: copper• Do not use with SL power supply moduleTable 3-3: Contact input and output module assignmentsUSE OF FORM-A AND SOLID-STATE RELAY OUTPUTS IN HIGH-IMPEDANCE CIRCUITSFor form-A and solid-state relay output contacts internally equipped with a voltage measuring circuit across thecontact, the circuit has an impedance that can cause a problem when used in conjunction with external high-inputimpedance monitoring equipment, such as modern relay test set trigger circuits. These monitoring circuits cancontinue to read the form-A contact as being closed after it has closed and subsequently opened, when measuredas an impedance.The solution is to use the voltage measuring trigger input of the relay test set, and connect the form-A contactthrough a voltage-dropping resistor to a DC voltage source. If the 48 V DC output of the power supply is used as asource, a 500 Ω, 10 W resistor is appropriate. In this configuration, the voltage across either the form-A contact orthe resistor can be used to monitor the state of the output.Where a tilde “~” symbol appears, substitute the slot position of the module. Where a number sign “#” appears,substitute the contact number.When current monitoring is used to seal-in the form-A and solid-state relay contact outputs, give theFlexLogic operand driving the contact output a reset delay of 10 ms to prevent damage of the outputcontact (in situations when the element initiating the contact output is bouncing, at values in theregion of the pickup value).~6A module ~6B module ~6C module ~6D moduleTerminalassignmentOutput orinputTerminalassignmentOutput orinputTerminalassignmentOutput TerminalassignmentOutput~1 Form-A ~1 Form-A ~1 Form-C ~1a, ~1c 2 Inputs~2 Form-A ~2 Form-A ~2 Form-C ~2a, ~2c 2 Inputs~3 Form-C ~3 Form-C ~3 Form-C ~3a, ~3c 2 Inputs~4 Form-C ~4 Form-C ~4 Form-C ~4a, ~4c 2 Inputs~5a, ~5c 2 Inputs ~5 Form-C ~5 Form-C ~5a, ~5c 2 Inputs~6a, ~6c 2 Inputs ~6 Form-C ~6 Form-C ~6a, ~6c 2 Inputs~7a, ~7c 2 Inputs ~7a, ~7c 2 Inputs ~7 Form-C ~7a, ~7c 2 Inputs~8a, ~8c 2 Inputs ~8a, ~8c 2 Inputs ~8 Form-C ~8a, ~8c 2 Inputs~6E module ~6F module ~6G module ~6H moduleTerminalassignmentOutput orinputTerminalassignmentOutput TerminalassignmentOutput orinputTerminalassignmentOutput orinput~1 Form-C ~1 Fast Form-C ~1 Form-A ~1 Form-A~2 Form-C ~2 Fast Form-C ~2 Form-A ~2 Form-A~3 Form-C ~3 Fast Form-C ~3 Form-A ~3 Form-A~4 Form-C ~4 Fast Form-C ~4 Form-A ~4 Form-A