49-85244 23USING THE RANGE: Self-Cleaning OvenSelf-Cleaning OvenSelf-cleaning Safety PrecautionsThe self-clean oven feature is designed to makecleaning the inside of the oven easy by using very hightemperatures to burn away food spills.WARNING Wipe up excess grease and other foodspills with a damp cloth. Excessive food soils can igniteleading to smoke and heat damage.Ŷ Do not clean the oven seals, damage can occur.Ŷ Remove cookware, broiler pan, grid, probe and anyaluminum foil from the oven.Ŷ Make sure the oven light lens and lens frame are in place.Ŷ Do not use commercial oven cleaners, abrasives oroven protectors in or near the self-cleaning oven.Ŷ We recommend venting your kitchen with an openZLQGRZRUXVLQJDYHQWLODWLRQIDQKRRGGXULQJWKHVHOIclean cycle.Ŷ Clean soil from around the frame and from around theoven door, outside the oven seals. These areas mustbe cleaned by hand.Ŷ The oven racks may be left in the oven during the self-clean cycle.IMPORTANT: The health of some birds is extremelysensitive to the fumes given off during the self-cleaning cycle of any oven. Move birds to another well-ventilated room.NOTE: Self-Clean will not work if the temperature probeis plugged in or if the Sabbath mode is set.On double oven models, you can set a clean cycle inboth ovens at the same time. The last oven set willautomatically delay its start until the end of the firstoven’s clean cycle.On double oven models, you can bake in one oven andself-clean in the other at the same time. However, youcannot use the PROOF mode setting in one oven whilethe other oven is self-cleaning.How to Set the Oven for Cleaning1. Turn off all surface burners. (The CLEAN cycle will notstart until all surface burners have been turned off.)2. Turn the Oven Mode Selector to CLEAN.3. Turn the Temperature knob to CLEAN.The control automatically defaults to therecommended clean cycle time of 5 hours. The cleantime may be adjusted to any time between 3 and 5hours using the Mini-Knob. The display will show theactual time remaining.4. Push the Mini-Knob to start the CLEAN cycle.If “CLOSE door” scrolls in the display, the self-cleancycle has been selected but the door is not closed.Close the oven door.The symbol will flash as the oven door is locked. Itwill not be possible to open the oven door during theclean cycle.5. After the clean cycle is complete and the oven hascooled, “End” will show in the display and thewill turn off. Turn the Oven Mode Selector and theTemperature knob to OFF.To interrupt a clean cycle, turn the Oven ModeSelector and the Temperature knob to OFF. When theoven has cooled to a safe temperature, the symbolwill turn off indicating the door may be opened.An interrupted clean cycle cannot be restarted untilafter the oven is cool enough for the door to unlock.Mini-KnobTurn to adjustPush to select