6 49-85244WARNING COOKTOP SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSŶ 1HYHUOHDYHWKHVXUIDFHEXUQHUVXQDWWHQGHGDWmedium or high heat settings. Foods, especially oilyfoods, may ignite resulting in fire that could spreadto surrounding cabinets.Ŷ 1HYHUOHDYHRLOXQDWWHQGHGZKLOHIU\LQJ,IDOORZHGto heat beyond its smoking point, oil may igniteresulting in fire that may spread to surroundingFDELQHWV8VHDGHHSIDWWKHUPRPHWHUZKHQHYHUpossible to monitor oil temperature.Ŷ 7RDYRLGRLOVSLOORYHUDQGILUHXVHWKHPLQLPXPamount of oil when using a shallow pan-fryingand avoid cooking frozen foods with excessiveamounts of ice.Ŷ 8VHSURSHUSDQVL]HDQGDYRLGSDQVWKDWDUHunstable or easily tipped. Select cookware that ismatched to the size of the burner. Burner flamesshould be adjusted so that they do not extendbeyond the bottom of the pan. Excessive flame maybe hazardous.Ŷ $OZD\VXVHWKH/,7(SRVLWLRQZKHQLJQLWLQJWKHWRSburners and make sure the burners have ignited.Ŷ :KHQXVLQJJODVVFHUDPLFFRRNZDUHPDNHVXUHLWis suitable for cooktop service; others may breakbecause of sudden change in temperature.Ŷ 7RPLQLPL]HWKHSRVVLELOLW\RIEXUQVLJQLWLRQRIflammable materials and spillage, the handle of acontainer should be turned toward the center of therange without extending over nearby burners.Ŷ 'RQRWXVHDZRNZLWKDURXQGPHWDOVXSSRUWULQJThe ring may trap heat and block air to the burnerresulting in a carbon monoxide hazard.Ŷ 'RQRWDWWHPSWWROLIWWKHFRRNWRS'RLQJVRPD\damage the gas tubing to the surface burnersresulting in a gas leak and risk of fire.Ŷ :KHQGLVDEOLQJ/RFN&RQWURO RQVRPHPRGHOV make sure the surface controls are set to the OFFposition. This will prevent unintended gas flow fromthe burners.Ŷ 'RQRWXVHDOXPLQXPIRLOWRFRYHUWKHJUDWHVRUline any part of the cooktop. Doing so may resultin carbon monoxide poisoning, overheating of thecooktop surfaces, or a potential fire hazard.WARNING OVEN SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING NEVER cover any slots,holes, or passages in the oven bottom orcover an entire rack with materials such asaluminum foil or oven liners. Doing so blocksair flow through the oven and may causecarbon monoxide poisoning. Never place foilor oven liners on the oven bottom. They cantrap heat causing risk of smoke or fire.Ŷ 6WDQGDZD\IURPWKHUDQJHZKHQRSHQLQJWKHRYHQdoor. Hot air or steam which escapes can causeEXUQVWRKDQGVIDFHDQGRUH\HVŶ 1HYHUSODFHFRRNLQJXWHQVLOVSL]]DRUEDNLQJVWRQHVor any type of foil or liner on the oven floor. Theseitems can trap heat or melt, resulting in damage tothe product and risk of shock, smoke or fire.Ŷ 3ODFHRYHQUDFNVLQGHVLUHGORFDWLRQZKLOHRYHQLVcool. If rack must be moved while oven is hot, becareful to avoid touching hot surfaces.Ŷ 'RQRWOHDYHLWHPVVXFKDVSDSHUFRRNLQJXWHQVLOVor food in the oven when not in use. Items stored inan oven can ignite.Ŷ 'RQRWOHDYHLWHPVRQWKHFRRNWRSQHDUWKHRYHQvent. Items may overheat resulting in a risk of fire orburns.Ŷ 1HYHUEURLOZLWKGRRURSHQ2SHQGRRUEURLOLQJLVnot permitted due to overheating of control knobs.SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSIMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCE