Procedure: Table: 011GTH-4013 SXGTH-4017 SXMay 2008 Section 7 - Repair ProceduresDocument 57.4403.4200 GTH-4013 SX GTH-4017 SX 33TABLE 011Renewing the slide pads of the telescopic boomGTH 4013 SX912RENEWING THE REAR PADS (A)To renew the rear pads of the section, retract theboom entirely and proceed as follows:8 Stop the machine, lower the nose to the groundfor an easier removal of the top pads. Hold itin horizontal position for removing the bottompads.9 Using a 17mm hex wrench or a 6mm Allenwrench, remove the pad fixing screws.10 Using a screwdriver, pry off the worn pads. Fitnew pads after applying a few drops of Loctite495 on the threads.CAU T I ONTighten the pad fixing screws to 30÷35 Nm.RENEWING THE FRONT PADS (B)To renew the front pads of the section, extend theboom of about 1 meter, and proceed as follows:11 Stop the machine, lower the nose to the groundfor an easier removal of the bottom pads. Holdit in horizontal position for removing the toppads.CAU T I ONTighten the pad fixing screws to 30÷35 Nm.12 Using a 17mm hex wrench or a 6mm Allenwrench, remove the pad fixing screws. Using ascrewdriver, pry off the worn pads. Fit new padsafter applying a few drops of Loctite 495 on thethreads.AAABBBB991212Courtesy of Crane.Market