Machine Identification May 2008CHASSIS SERIAL NUMBERThe chassis serial number is punched on the front leftpart of the chassis side member.IDENTIFICATION PLATES OF THE MAIN PARTSThe plates of the main components, not directlymanufactured by TEREXLIFT srl (for instance, engines,pumps, etc.), are located where originally applied by themanufacturers.HOW TO READYOUR SERIALNUMBERChassis serial number(The chassis serial number is punched on the front leftpart of the chassis side member)GTH-4013 P 07 17882MODELENGINETYPEYEAR OFMANUFACTURERSERIALNUMBERLbona Industriale 0 0 Umbertide (PG) ItalyTRUC CAPACITYUNLADEN TRUC MA IMUN EIG TSERIAL NUMBERMADE IN ITALYMODEL NUMBERYEAR OF MANUFACTURELbT IS TRUC IS COMPLIANT TO PART III OF ASME B . 2002 ERE APPLICABLEMACHINE DATA PLATEMachine IdentificationMachine data plateIDENTIFICAZIONE MACCHINADocument 57.4403.4200GTH-4013 SX GTH-4017 SXivCourtesy of Crane.Market