Document 57.4403.4200 GTH-4013 SX GTH-4017 SX 35May 2008 Section 2 - Technical SpecificationTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONTo get acces to the INCHING from PARAMETERS FUNCTIONSselect:P arameter Functions (10)InputsInchingSet DefaultsInside the window "calibrate inch Potentiometer"select the value 1 (see image 11)PRESS F4Inside the window "calibrate inch Potentiometer"select the value 0 (see image 11)PRESS F 4select the Setup Status menu (see image 12)The system recognizes the calibration minimumvalue automatically (for example, Min Value 1038-image 12)Step down the brake pedal until "calibrationcomplited" appears (see image 13), with themaximum calibrate inching value - Max Value7790To finish the calibration procedure, press "Stoplogging" or F6 (see image 14)The machine can work.1011121314Courtesy of Crane.Market