22 GTH-4013 SX GTH-4017 SX Document 57.4403.4200Section 4 - Maintenance Procedures May 2008TABLE ALimit switches F on the parking brake(at every use)To check the efficency of the limit switches on the par-king brake, follow the procedure below: Sit in the driving seat, engage the parking brake andmake sure the machine does not move.If the machine moves, replace or adjust the distanceof the micro-switch on the parking brake.Check the limit switches on the main valve levers(GTH 4013SX only).To check the efficency of the three main valve levers,follow the procedure below: Sit in the driving seat, engage the parking brake andmove the lever to forward in neutral position. Using a screwdriver, remove the locking screws ofthe carter, open it until seeing the sensor G, H, I. Turn the ignition key to the position 1. Move the lever M, lock/unlock attachment, to right(unlock attachment) and check the light of sensor Iswitchs on. Move the lever N, extend/retract boom, to left (re-tract boom) and check the light of sensor G switchson. Move the lever N, lift/low boom, to revers (lift boom)and check the light of sensor H switchs on.In case of defects, adjust the sensors.FGHILMNCourtesy of Crane.Market