24 GTH-4013 SX GTH-4017 SX Document 57.4403.4200Section 4 - Maintenance Procedures May 2008TABLE AA-20 CHECK THE EFFICENCY OF THE OVERLOADWARNING SYSTEMWhen the machine starts, the DLE system executes acheck.When power is turned on, the DLE load limiting systemruns a self-test. In the case of troubles, LED’s 5, 8 and10 start flashing, the buzzer sounds, an error code isshown on the display 2 and the machine enters thealarm mode and cannot be operated.The meaning of the error messages is shown in Section 2.To do a manual check, it will be enough to load aknown weight on the forks and extend the boom fullyin zero position until the DLE system enters in alarm.Then, using a measure check the distance is in the areaindicated in the load chart inside the cab (see below)In case of defects, make a diagnosis and adjust thesystem.5 8 10257.2900.0217 rev. A20°0123456789100-1123456789101112139.02 m12.99 m0°10°30°40°50°60°70°3000 kgABCDE2000 kg1250 kg71.6°-1.43°1500 kg2500 kg3500 kg4000 kg.60 mGTH 4013SX-STAB012345678910111213012345678910111213141516170°10°20°30°40°50°60°144000 kgEDCBA13.36 m1817.19 m4000 kg3000 kg1500 kg2000 kg700 kg1000 kg3500 kg72.4°0.6 m70°800 kg57.2900.0175 rev. 0 GTH 4017SX-STABCourtesy of Crane.Market