REV CSection 4 • Repair Procedures June 20054 - 28 TMZ-34/19 Part No. 52075If you are not installing a new level sensor,proceed to step 13.8 Tag and disconnect the wire harness from thetilt level sensor.9 Remove the fasteners securing the level sensorto the machine. Remove the level sensor fromthe machine.10 Install the new level sensor onto the machinewith the "X" on the level sensor housing closestto the ground control box, as shown in theillustration on the previous page. Install andsecurely tighten the level sensor retainingfasteners.Tip-over hazard. The level sensormust be installed with the "X" onthe level sensor base closest tothe ground control box. Failure toinstall the level sensor asinstructed could result in themachine tipping over causingdeath or serious injury.11 Connect the wire harness to the level sensor.12 Tighten the level sensor adjusting fastenersuntil the bubble in the top of the level sensor iscentered in the calibration circles.13 Turn the key switch to ground control.Adjust the side-to-side axis:14 Set a multimeter to read DC voltage.15 Without disconnecting the wire harness fromthe level sensor, connect the negative lead ofthe multimeter to the black wire at the levelsensor.16 Without disconnecting the wire harness fromthe level sensor, connect the positive lead ofthe multimeter to the yellow wire at the levelsensor.17 Adjust the "Y" axis (side-to-side) to 2.5V DC.Tap the top of the level sensor lightly withfingers after each turn of an adjusting nut.Tip-over hazard. Do not adjust thepotentiometers on the bottom ofthe level sensor or calibrate thelevel sensor other than specified inthis procedure. Failure to calibratethe tilt level sensor as instructedwill cause the machine to tip overresulting in death or serious injury.Be sure there are threads showingthrough the top of each adjustingnut.18 Disconnect the positive lead.GROUND