Chapter 5. Customer replacement unitsThis chapter provides instructions for adding certain components to the bladeserver. Some removal instructions are provided in case you need to remove oneoption to install another.Installation guidelinesBefore you begin to install options in the blade server, read the followinginformation:v Read Appendix B, “Safety information,” on page 97 and the guidelines in“Handling static-sensitive devices.” This information will help you work safely withthe blade server and options.v Back up all important data before you make changes to disk drives.v For a list of supported options for the blade server, go to Before you remove a hot-swap blade server from the BladeCenter unit, you mustshut down the operating system and turn off the blade server. You do not have toshut down the BladeCenter unit itself.v Blue on a component indicates touch points, where you can grip the componentto remove it from or install it in the blade server, open or close a latch, and soon.v Orange on a component or an orange label on or near a component indicatesthat the component can be hot-swapped, which means that if the blade serverand operating system support hot-swap capability, you can remove or install thecomponent while the server is running. (Orange can also indicate touch points onhot-swap components.) See the instructions for removing or installing a specifichot-swap component for any additional procedures that you might have toperform before you remove or install the component.System reliability considerationsTo help ensure proper cooling and system reliability, make sure that microprocessorsocket 2 always contains either the microprocessor heat sink filler or amicroprocessor and heat sink.Handling static-sensitive devicesAttention: Static electricity can damage electronic devices and the system. Toavoid damage, keep static-sensitive devices in their static-protective packages untilyou are ready to install them.To reduce the possibility of damage from electrostatic discharge, observe thefollowing precautions:v Limit your movement. Movement can cause static electricity to build up aroundyou.v Handle the device carefully, holding it by its edges or its frame.v Do not touch solder joints, pins, or exposed printed circuitry.v Do not leave the device where others can handle and possibly damage thedevice.v While the device is still in its static-protective package, touch it to an unpaintedmetal part of the BladeCenter unit or any unpainted metal surface on any other© Copyright IBM Corp. 2003 27