Note: See “System” on page 94 to determine which components should be replaced by a field service technician.CD-ROM drive problemsSymptom FRU/actionCD-ROM drive is notrecognized. 1. Verify that:v All cables and jumpers are installed correctly.v The correct device driver is installed for the CD-ROM drive.2. Run CD-ROM drive diagnostics.3. CD-ROM drive.CD is not working properly. 1. Clean the CD.2. Run CD-ROM drive diagnostics.3. CD-ROM drive.CD-ROM drive tray is notworking. (The computer must beturned on.)1. Insert the end of a straightened paper clip into the manual tray-releaseopening.2. Run CD-ROM drive diagnostics.3. CD-ROM drive.CD-ROM drive is seen as/dev/sr0 by SuSE. (If the SuSELinux operating system isinstalled remotely onto a bladeserver that is not the currentowner of the media tray(CD-ROM drive, diskette drive,and USB port), SuSE sees theCD-ROM drive as /dev/sr0instead of /dev/cdrom.)v Establish a link between /dev/sr0 and /dev/cdrom as follows:1. Enter the following command:rm /dev/cdrom; ln -s /dev/sr0 /dev/cdrom2. Insert the following line in the /etc/fstab file:/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0CD-ROM drive is notrecognized after being switchedback to blade server runningWindows 2000 AdvancedServer with SP3 applied. (Whenthe CD-ROM drive is owned byblade server x, is switched toanother blade server, then isswitched back to blade server x,the operating system in bladeserver x no longer recognizesthe CD-ROM drive. Thishappens when you have notsafely stopped the drives beforeswitching ownership of theCD-ROM drive, diskette drive,and USB port (media tray).)Note: Because the BladeCenter unit uses a USB bus to communicate with themedia tray devices, switching ownership of the media tray to another blade serveris the same as unplugging a USB device.v Before switching ownership of the CD-ROM drive (media tray) to another bladeserver, safely stop the media tray devices on the blade server that currentlyowns the media tray, as follows:1. Double-click the Unplug or Eject Hardware icon in the Windows taskbar atthe bottom right of the screen.2. Select USB Floppy and click Stop.3. Select USB Mass Storage Device and click Stop.4. Click Close.You can now safely switch ownership of the media tray to another blade server.78 BladeCenter HS20 Type 8832: Hardware Maintenance Manual and Troubleshooting Guide