11014OTHER FUNCTIONS12345678910111413141516171819DD Squelch delaySelects squelch delay from short and long to prevent re-peated opening and closing of the squelch during receptionof the same signal.• Short : Short squelch delay. (default)• Long : Long squelch delayDD Mic sens levelSelects the microphone sensitivity from HIGH (default) andLOW to suit your preference.DD Auto ATTThe attenuator prevents distortion of a desired signal by verystrong RF signals near the desired frequency or when verystrong electric fields, such as from a broadcasting station, arepresent at your location.Select the attenuator function ON (default) and OFF.DD ALCSets the ALC (automatic Level Control) function ON and OFF(default)The ALC function reduces the microphone again automati-cally when the transmission audio is distored.DD DiversityTurns the diversity function ON and OFF(default.). DV SET MODE itemsThe following items are selectable by optional UT-123 is in-stalled into the IC-2820H.DD Auto replyThis function replies to an individual station call even you areaway from the transceiver.After a manual transmission (pushing [PTT]), the Auto Replysetting returns to OFF automatically.• OFF : No reply is performed even a call is received.(default)• ON : Sets caller’s call sign and reply to the call withthe set own call sign automatically.DD Digital codeSets the desired digital code for digital code squelch opera-tion. Total of 100 codes (0–99) are available. (default: 0)DD DV data TXDuring low-speed data operation, auto data transmissionfunction is available. This function transmits when data hasbeen input from PC via the [DATA] jack. (default: PTT)