405MEMORY OPERATION12345678910111213141516171819 Memory bank selectionThe IC-2820H has a total of 26 banks (A to Z) . All memorychannels, regular, scan edges and call channels are assignedinto the desired bank for easy memory management.qPush the desired band’s [M/CALL•MW] several times toselect memory mode, if desired.wPush and hold the same band’s [MAIN•BAND] for 1 sec.• The memory channel number blinks.eRotate the same band’s [DIAL] to select the desired bank,A to Z.• Banks that have no programmed contents are skipped.r Push the [MAIN•BAND] to set the bank group.• Bank initial and bank channel stop blinking.tRotate the same band’s [DIAL] to select the bank channel.yTo return to regular memory mode, push and hold the[MAIN•BAND] for 1 sec. then rotate the [DIAL] to selectmemory channel number indication.z Push [MR/CALL] to select memory mode, if de-sired.x Push [FUNC] then [ MONI 1(BANK)] to selectmemory bank condition.Or, push and hold [BAND] for 1 sec. to selectmemory bank condition.• Memory channel blinksc Push [Y]/[Z] to select the desired bank, A to Z.• Only programmed memory bank can be selected.v Push [CLR A(MW)] to set the bank.Or, push [BAND] to set the bank.• Bank initial and bank channel stops blinking.b Push [Y]/[Z] to select the desired contents inthe bank.• No channel numbers are displayed for memory bankoperation.n To return to regular memory condition, push[FUNC], [ MONI 1(BANK)] then push [Y]/[Z] toselect memory channel number indication.Or, push and hold [BAND] for 1 sec., then push[Y]/[Z] to select memory channel number indi-cation.BANK[Y]/[Z]Bank initial and bankchannel blinkEnter the memory bank condition mode.[MAIN•BAND]