609DTMF MEMORY ENCODER12345678910111213141516171819 Transmitting a DTMF codeD Automatic transmission (DTMF memory)qPush and hold [TONE•DTMF] for 1 sec. to turn the “AUTOTX” ON.• “1” appears in place of the main band’s display.wRotate [DIAL] to select the “DTMF MEMORY,” then push[MAIN•BAND] to enter DTMF memory programming con-dition.eRotate [DIAL] to select the desired DTMF memory channelthen push [MAIN•BAND].rPush [V/MHz•SCAN] (Right band’s) to return VFO mode.t Push [PTT] to transmit the selected DTMF memory content.yPush and hold [TONE•DTMF] for 1 sec. , then turn the“AUTO TX” OFF to cancel the DTMF encoder.• When the DTMF encoder is turned ON continuously, each pushof the PTT transmits the previously selected DTMF code.z Push [FUNC] then [ LOW 6(DTMF)] to turn theDTMF memory encoder ON.• “d” appears in place of the main band’s 100 MHz digit.x Push [SET B(D-OFF)] to enter the DTMF memoryprogramming condition.c Push [Y] or [Z] to select the desired channel.v Push [PTT] to transmit the selected memory.• Exit the programming condition automatically.• Each push of [PTT] transmits the DTMF code.b Push [FUNC] then [ SET B(D-OFF)] to cancel theDTMF memory encoder.• When the DTMF encoder is turned ON continuously,each push of the PTT transmits the previously se-lected DTMF code.D Transmitting a DTMF memory directlyz Push [FUNC] then [ LOW 6(DTMF)] to turn theDTMF memory encoder ON.• “d” appears in place of the main band’s 100 MHz digit.x Push [DTMF-S] to turn the DTMF memory di-rect selection ON.• The function indicator (microphone) lights green.c Push the desired DTMF channel.• “0” to “9” and “A” to “D” are available for DTMFmemory channels.• The selected DTMF code is automatically transmit-ted without pushing PTT.NOTE: When no DTMF code programmed chan-nel number is pushed, it transmits the relativeDTMF code as the manual transmission de-scribed in the next page.v Push [DTMF-S] again to deactivate the DTMFmemory direct selection.b Push [FUNC] then [ SET B(D-OFF)] to cancelthe DTMF memory encoder.DTMF-SDTMF