10211 MENU SCREEN OPERATION Sounds set mode itemsDD Beep output levelAdjusts the key-touch beep tone level to the desired levelwithin 39 levels.The key-touch beep (following item) must be set to ON tohave a beep tone.DD Key-touch beepTurns the key-touch beep ON or OFF. (default: ON)DD Scan stop beepTurns the scan stop beep function ON or OFF. (default: OFF)DD Scope audio outputSelect the audio output function capability during sweep withband scope function.• ON : The received audio sounds during sweep. (default)• OFF : No audio sounds during sweep.DD Volume selectSelect the volume level adjustment from Both and Separatefor dualwatch operation.• BOTH : Both A band and B band volume level is ad-justed with [VOL] at the same time. (default)• SEPARATE : The Volume setting is adjusted indepen-dently in A and B bands with [VOL].DD Standby Beep Available when the UT-121 is installed.Turns the beep emission capability ON and OFF when the com-municating station finishes transmitting or the receive signal dis-appears while in the digital mode operation. (default: ON)ONONOFFOFFSTANDBY BEEPrOFFOFFONONSTANDBY BEEPrBOTHBOTHSEPARATESEPARATEVOLUME SELECTrSEPARATESEPARATEBOTHBOTHVOLUME SELECTrONONOFFOFFSCOPE AF OUTPUTrOFFOFFONONSCOPE AF OUTPUTrOFFOFFONONSCAN STOP BEEPrONONOFFOFFSCAN STOP BEEPrONONOFFOFFKEY-TOUCH BEEPrOFFOFFONONKEY-TOUCH BEEPrBEEP LEVELBEEP LEVEL BEEP LEVELMinimum level (no audio) Maximum level