82PRIORITY WATCH10 Priority watch typesPriority watch checks for signals on the frequency every5 sec. while operating on a VFO frequency or scanning. Thetransceiver has 3 priority watch types to suit your needs.The watch resumes according to the selected scan resumecondition. See page 81 for details.NOTE: If the pocket beep function is activated, the trans-ceiver automatically selects the tone squelch functionwhen priority watch starts.DD About priority beep functionWhen receiving a signal on the priority frequency, you can bealerted with beeps and a blink “S.” This function can beactivated when setting the priority watch function ON.MEMORY/CALL CHANNEL WATCHWhile operating on a VFO fre-quency, priority watch checks fora signal on the selected every 5sec.• A memory channel with skip infor-mation can be watched.MEMORY SCAN WATCHWhile operating on a VFO fre-quency, priority watch checks forsignals on each memory chan-nel in sequence.• The memory skip function and/ormemory bank scan is useful tospeed up the scan.5 sec.VFOfrequencyMemory(Call)channel5 sec.VFOfrequencySKIPMch 000Mch 001Mch 001Mch 999VFO SCAN WATCHWhile scanning in VFO mode,priority watch checks for signalson the selected every 5 sec.5 sec.VFOscanMemory(Call)channel