577DV MODE OPERATION (Optional UT-121 is required)7DD Low-speed data communication applicationsettingConfigure the low-speed data communication application asfollows.• Port : The same COM port number as IC-E91’s• Baud rate : 38.4 kbps (fixed value)• Data : 8 bit• Parity : None• Stop : 1 bit• Flow control : Xon/XoffDD Low-speed data communication operationNOTE: Confirm that in AUTO, the computer controls when[PTT] is activated to send data and the user doesn’t haveto operate the radio.qSet your own, station call signs, etc. as described in“ Digital voice mode operation” (p. 38) and “ Digital re-peater operation” (p. 41) .wRefer to the instructions of the low-speed data communi-cation application.e To transmit data• With your voice audio, push and hold [PTT] to transmit whilesending data from the PC. Release [PTT] to receive.• Under computer control, see Transmission condition setting atright.DD Transmission condition settingq Enter “DV DATA TX” in DV set mode. (p. 92)w Rotate [DIAL]† to select “PTT” or “AUTO.”ePush [ï](5) (or [ΩΩ](4)) to return to DV set mode, and push[MENU/LOCK] to return to frequency indication.MENU screen ➪ DV SET MODE ➪ DV DATA TX(Push [MENU/LOCK]) (Rotate [DIAL]†, then push [ï](5)†.)†[DIAL] ↔ [∫∫](2)/[√√](8) [ï](5) ↔ [≈≈](6)1234568910111213141516171819