637DV MODE OPERATION (Optional UT-121 is required)12345678910111213141516171819 Playing-back and erasing the recorded audioqSelect DV mode in B band, and deactivate the prioritywatch (p. 83) if activated.w Enter “TRACK” in DV voice memo set mode.• TRACK screen is displayedeRotate [DIAL]† to select the desired audio track to be play-back or erased.• “✱” is displayed beside the track number when the selected trackhas been recorded.rPush [ï](5) to play-back the recorded audio.• Push [ï](5) again to pause, push [≈≈](6) to stop play-back.tPush and hold [CLR](1) for 1 sec. to erase the recordedaudio.y Push [ΩΩ](4) to return to DV VOICE MEMO screen.u Push [MENU/LOCK] to return to frequency indication.DD DV automatic detectThe “DV” mode indicator blinks when a non-DV signal is re-ceived during DV mode operation.The IC-E91 DV automatic detection monitors in FM modewhen other than DV mode signal is received.q Enter “AUTO DETECT” in DV set mode. (p. 95)wRotate [DIAL]† to turn the DV automatic detect function ONand OFF.OFF : “DV” mode indicator blinks, however the trans-ceiver receives in DV mode even if non-DV modesignals are received.ON : “DV” mode indicator blinks and the transceivermonitors the signal in FM mode.ePush [ï](5) (or [ΩΩ](4)) to return to DV SET MODE screenr Push [MENU/LOCK] to return to frequency indication.NOTE: The received FM audio may be distorted when re-ceiving an FM signal with DV automatic detect function.MENU screen ➪ DV SET MODE ➪ AUTO DETECT(Push [MENU/LOCK]) (Rotate [DIAL]†, then push [ï](5)†.)TRACK:1TRACK:1 *::SEL:SEL:BACK:BACK CLR:CLRCLR:CLRTRACKTRACKrMENU screen ➪ DV VOICE MEMO ➪ TRACK(Push [MENU/LOCK]) (Rotate [DIAL]†, then push [ï](5)†.)†[DIAL] ↔ [∫∫](2)/[√√](8) [ï](5) ↔ [≈≈](6)