38Remote SetupChapter Two : Setting Up PowerTouch Audio-Video Receiver KRF-X9992D3. Touch on the Setup menu to access thePreference menu.4. Touch on the Preference menu to accessthe IR Setup menu.5. Refer to “Noting Your Devices” on page␣ 3 whereyou noted which device was connected to whichjack set.6. Touch to open the list of available jacksets:• TV1 and TV2 (these allow PowerTouch tocontrol your TV or cable tuner, even if it isn’tconnected to one of the receiver’s input jacksets).• VIDEO1 through VIDEO4• CD1• MD/TAPE1• CD2/TAPE2Note that Phono and AV AUX (the additionalcamcorder/VCR jack set on the front of thereceiver) do not need to be configured here.Touch the jack name on the list.7. Touch to select the type of device youhave connected to the jack set.8. Touch to select the device’s brand.9. Touch . You can now choose from a listof all the codes available for the device. Touchthe first code on the list.• If the devices are connected with a systemcontrol cable, be sure to select the codepreceded by “Sys-” or “System”. This instructsPowerTouch to send all commands for thedevice to the receiver, which will control thedevice via the system control cable.• If you have a Kenwood Dual-Play 200-DiscCD Changer, you will need to set both CD1and CD2/ TAPE2 to the correct code for thisdevice (“Sys- Mega”).10. Touch . This instructs PowerTouch to send a“power” test signal to the receiver. If your deviceturns on, the code you entered was correct. If itdoes not turn on, try the next code in the list.Continue until one of the codes works. If noneof the codes work, see “What if my device doesnot work with any of the codes on the list?” onpage␣ 39.If you enter the code preceded by “Sys-” or“System” on step 9, skip this step.11. When you have a code that works, touch .Check off that device on your list.Repeat steps 5 through 11 until you are finishedidentifying devices to PowerTouch. When you aredone, turn to “How Do I Operate Devices?” onpage␣ 26 in the Users’ Guide and note which iconcorresponds to which connected device.