40Remote SetupChapter Two : Setting Up PowerTouch Audio-Video Receiver KRF-X9992DStoring Radio Stations in Memory (optional)Your new PowerTouch provides two ways to storeradio stations:• RDS Automatic Memory, which searches forstations broadcasting an RDS signal and auto-matically stores them in the first availablestorage button.• Manual Memory, which allows you to enter andstore specific stations.There are 40 preset storage buttons available.Search for and store RDS stations first, then setstations manually. The search function automati-cally assigns RDS stations to the first storage button,overwriting any stations already stored there.You can overwrite RDS stations with manuallystored stations.Storing RDS Stations Automatically1. Touch on the Main menu to access theMusic menu.2. Touch on the Music menu to access theTuner controls.3. Touch to choose FM.4. Touch at the top of the screen:5. Touch . The receiver locates and stores anyFM stations broadcasting an RDS signal. Thisprocess can take a few minutes to complete;please be patient. While the receiver is searching,the tuner indicator on the receiver’s front panelblinks.RDS stations are stored in the order they are found,up to 40 stations. If the search finds fewer than 40stations, the receiver may automatically store otherFM stations in the open storage buttons.If you are repeating the RDS search, any existingpreset stations (whether automatically or manuallystored) will be replaced by the results of the newsearch.