39Remote SetupChapter Two : Setting Up PowerTouch Audio-Video Receiver KRF-X9992DHow Do I Replace a Setup Code with aNew One?If you purchase a new device to replace an existingdevice, you will need to identify the new device toPowerTouch. To do so:1. Connect the device as described in the appropri-ate section of Chapter One in this guide.2. Follow the steps under “How Do I IdentifyDevices?” on page␣ 37. When you touch it willreplace the other code.How Do I Delete Setup Codes?If you disconnect a device and do not plan toreplace it, you may want to delete the setup codefrom PowerTouch. To do so:1. Follow the steps under “How Do I IdentifyDevices?” on page␣ 37 to select a jack set.2. Touch . Scroll to the device “Nothing”then touch it. That device is no longer controlledby PowerTouch.What if my device does not work withany of the codes on the list?What if I Want PowerTouch to ControlAdditional Functions?PowerTouch contains sophisticated features thatallow it to “learn” new commands from other IRremotes. If none of the codes for the device andbrand you select work, use this feature to instructPowerTouch how to operate the device.You can also use this feature to modify commandsfor codes that do work or even to add extra func-tionality to those codes.For example, let’s say the basic control codes foryour VCR are Power, Play, Rewind, Fast Forward,Pause, Channel and Record. Let’s also say that yourVCR has an OSD (On Screen Display) menu that isnot part of the default code set you chose. You canuse your VCR’s remote to teach PowerTouch toaccess that menu.To teach PowerTouch new commands:1. Follow the steps under “How Do I IdentifyDevices?” on page␣ 37. Pick any code for thedevice brand; PowerTouch must have a code tolearn device commands.2. Touch to open the Function Change menu:3. Touch an empty button (1 to 8).You will be able to access these new commandsby touching More or the button you assign onany device control screen. (Users’ Guide)4. Touch and use the “keyboard” and thestylus to enter a command name (e.g., CD: On).Touch on the keyboard to save the nameand touch .5. Aim the device’s remote at PowerTouch and pressand hold the button on the device’s remote thatcorresponds to the command you wantPowerTouch to learn:This may take a few seconds; do not movePowerTouch or the device’s remote untilPowerTouch displays the Function Change menuagain.After a learning process is completed, alwaystouch to test the command or function thatPowerTouch has learned. If the command orfunction does not work, perform the learningprocess again.Be sure to use the device’s original remote.PowerTouch will not learn commands fromother universal remotes.6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 until you have taughtPowerTouch all the commands you want it toknow. If you need more function lines, touchor to access more lines.7. Touch to return to the IR Setup menu.8. Touch to return to the Preference menu.Touch to return to the Setup Menu, and againto return to the Main menu.10 cm