12345678910111213141516171819202116OPERATING BASICSSWITCHING POWER ON/OFF1 Switch ON the DC power supply.• If operating mobile, skip this step.2 Press the PWR switch to switch ON the transceiver.3 To switch OFF the transceiver, press the PWR switchagain.• In a fixed installation, after the transceiver has beenswitched ON, it can then be switched OFF or ON by usingonly the power switch on the DC power supply.ADJUSTING VOLUMETurn the VOL control clockwise to increase the audio leveland counterclockwise to decrease the audio level.ADJUSTING SQUELCHThe purpose of squelch is to silence audio output from thespeaker when no signals are present. When squelch is setcorrectly, you will hear sound only while a station is actuallybeing received. The point at which ambient noise on afrequency just disappears, called the squelch threshold,depends on the frequency.Turn the SQL control clockwise to just eliminate thebackground noise when no signal is present.SELECTING A BANDPress [BAND SEL] to select the VHF or UHF band.• "PTT" appears above the VHF or UHF frequency to showwhich band you selected.PWRPWRVOL SQLCALLCALLPWRPWRVOL SQLCALLCALLPWRPWRVOL SQLCALLCALLPWRPWRVOL SQLCALLCALL