12345678910111213141516171819202128MEMORY CHANNELSThe data listed below can be stored in each memorychannel:In memory channels, you can store frequencies and relateddata that you often use. A total of 280 memory channelsare available, 140 each for VHF and UHF.You can also store a name for each memory channel.Using this naming function restricts the total number ofmemory channels to 180, but allows you to select the ratioof channels between the VHF and UHF bands, from among5 types. For more information, see "NAMING MEMORYCHANNELS" {page 32}.SIMPLEX OR SPLIT MEMORY CHANNEL?There are 2 methods of storing transmit/receivefrequencies and related data in memory channels,depending on the relationship of the transmit and receivefrequencies. You can use each memory channel either as asimplex channel or split channel. Use as a split channel tostore a separate receive and transmit frequency.• Simplex memory channels:RX frequency = TX frequency• Split memory channels:RX frequency ≠ TX frequencyNote: Not only can you store data in memory channels, but you can alsooverwrite existing data with new data.RX frequencyTX frequencyTone frequencyCTCSS frequencyTone or CTCSS statusFrequency stepOffset directionReverse statusDTSS code, DTSS statusMemory channel lockoutMemory channel nameYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesN/AN/AYesYesYesYesParameter SimplexChannelSplitChannelYes: Can be stored in memory.N/A: Not applicable