12345678910111213141516171819202175n Memory Channel Number Entry1 Select the desired band.2 Press [MR] to enter Memory Recall mode.3 Press the Mic key re-programmed with Enter.• "– –" or "– – –" appears depending on the number ofmemory channels available on the current band.4 Use the Mic keypad to enter 2 or 3 digits.• To recall channel 3, for example, enter "03" or "003".• If you press any key other than [0] ~ [9], or if you donot make the next entry within 10 seconds, theprevious frequency display will be restored.• If you enter a memory channel that does not containdata, an error beep sounds.n Tone Frequency Number Entry1 Select the desired band.2 Press[TONE] to activate the Tone function.3 Press[F] (1 s), [T.SEL].• The current tone frequency appears.4 Press the Mic key re-programmed with Enter.• "– –" appears.5 Use the Mic keypad to enter the Tone No.corresponding to the desired tone frequency.• Consult the table given in "Selecting a ToneFrequency" {page 25} to find out how the Tone Nos.correspond to the tone frequencies.• To select Tone No. 3 (74.4 Hz), for example, enter"03".• If you press any key other than [0] ~ [9], or if you donot make the next entry within 10 seconds, theprevious frequency display will be restored.