Configuring Your Server 4-17System Management SubmenuOption Parameter Description Your SettingBIOS Version – Displays the current BIOS version.(View only)IPMI SpecificationVersion– Displays IPMI specification version.(View only)BMC Device ID – Displays BMC device ID. (View only)BMC DeviceVersion– Displays BMC device version. (Viewonly)BMC FirmwareVersion– Displays BMC firmware version. (Viewonly)PIA Version – Displays version of the platforminformation area. (View only)SDR Revision – Displays revision of the sensor datarecord.[ ]: Factory-setConsole Redirection SubmenuOption Parameter Description Your SettingBIOS RedirectionPort[Disabled]Serial Port ASerial Port BSpecify the address/interrupt of theserial port to which a remote consoleis connected.ACPI RedirectionPort[Disabled]Serial Port ASerial Port BSpecify the serial port to which anACPI console is connected.Baud Rate 9600[19.2K]38.4K57.6K115.2KSpecify the baud rate used for theinterface with successive remoteconsoles.Flow Control NoneXon/Xoff[CTS/RTS]CTS/RTS+CDSpecify the flow control method.Console Type [PC ANSI]VT100+VT-UTF8Specify the type of remote console.[ ]: Factory-setConsole Redirection SubmenuOption Parameter Description Your SettingClear all EventLogs– Press Enter and select "Yes" to clearthe system event log.