2-38 General DescriptionNOTE: Use of the floppy diskThe floppy disk is an important data storage media with delicatestructure and requires care. Keep the following notes in mind to use it: Insert the floppy disk into the floppy disk drive gently as far as itgoes. Attach the label to the correct position. Do not write anything directly onto the disk surface with a pencil orball-point pen. Do not open the shutter. Do not use the floppy disk in a dusty place. Do not place anything on the floppy disk. Do not leave the floppy disk in a high-temperature place (e.g., placeexposed to direct sunlight or close to a heater). Keep the floppy disk away from cigarette smoke. Keep the floppy disk away from any liquid (e.g., water) andchemicals. Keep the floppy disk away from any magnetic objects (e.g.,magnet). Do not pinch the floppy disk with a paper clip or drop it. Keep the floppy disk in a floppy disk case that protects it frommagnetism and dust. A floppy disk has a write-protect switch that prevents the stored datafrom accidental erasure. You can read data from a write-protectedfloppy disk, but you cannot save data into the floppy disk or formatit. NEC recommends that you should write-protect any floppy diskcontaining valuable data unless you are about to save data. Towrite-protect a 3.5-inch floppy disk, use the write-protect switchprovided on its back. The floppy disk is a very delicate storage media. Dust or thermalchanges, as well as operator's misconduct or sever failures, maycause loss of data. To avoid loss of data, NEC recommends thatyou should make a back-up copy of your valuable data on a regularbasis. (Make sure to make a back-up copy of every floppy diskprovided with the server.)WriteenableWritedisableWrite-protect switch