Maintenance 7-11RELOCATING/STORING THE SERVERFollow the procedure below to relocate or store the server:CAUTIONObserve the following instructions to use the server safely. Failure to followthese instructions may cause a fire, personal injury, or property damage. Seepages 1-3 to 1-8 for details.■ Never attempt to lift the server only by yourself.■ Do not install the server in any place other than specified.■ Do not connect/disconnect any interface cable with the power cord of theserver plugged to a power source.IMPORTANT: If the server needs to be relocated/stored due to a change in the floorlayout to a great extent, contact the service representative. Make sure to make a backup copy of your valuable data in the harddisk, if any. Make sure not to apply a shock to hard disks to relocated the serverif the contains any. It is recommended that the server and the internal devices should bestored in a place where the room temperature can be maintained. Itis important for the server or internal devices to work normally afterstorage. Store the device in the place where temperature rangesbetween -10 to 55°C and humidity ranges between 20 to 80%,without dew condensation. If you use the server after transported or relocated, check the systemtimer and adjust it if necessary. If the system timer advances ordelays remarkably with the passage of time, contact your servicerepresentative to repair it.The server or internal option device may be dewed if it is brought toa warm place from a cold place suddenly. Using a server or aninternal device with dew attached may cause malfunction or failure.Make sure to adapt them to the operating environment before usingthem.