Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-127ike phase1 { name | index } authentication shared-secret { ascii | hexadecimal } stringThis command sets the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s shared secret. For security reasons no show variant ofthis command exists.ike phase1 { name | index } dangling-sas { yes | no }show ike phase1 { name | index } dangling-sasno ike phase1 { name | index } dangling-sasThese commands set, display, or disable whether or not Phase 2 SAs may persist after the underlying Phase 1SAs have expired.ike phase1 { name | index } encryption { des | 3des }show ike phase1 { name | index } encryptionThese commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s encryption algorithm.ike phase1 { name | index } group { 1 | 2 | 5 | dh-768-bits | dh-1024-bits | dh-1536-bits }show ike phase1 { name | index } groupThese commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s Diffie-Hellman group.Note: 1 and dh-768-bits, 2 and dh-1024-bits, and 5 and dh-1536-bits, respectively, are synonyms.ike phase1 { name | index } hash { sha1 | md5 }show ike phase1 { name | index } hashThese commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s hash ike statusNote: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.This command allows you to view an IKE session ipsec sessionsNote: This command is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.This command allows you to view an IPsec session setup.ike phase1 { name | index } independent rekeys { yes | no }show ike phase1 { name | index } independent rekeysno ike phase1 { name | index } independent rekeysThese commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s independent phase 2 re-keys setting.