M e s s a g e sCopyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. 335. MessagesIf you have subscribed to amessaging service through yourwireless provider, you can send andreceive messages to compatibledevices that also subscribe to acompatible message service. Youmay also be able to send and receivepicture messages and e-mailmessages.Important: Exercise cautionopening messages. Messagesmay contain malicioussoftware or otherwise beharmful to your device or PC.Do not open any attachmentif you are not sure of thetrustworthiness of thesender.When sending messages, your devicemay display Message sent. This is anindication that the message hasbeen sent by your device to themessage centre numberprogrammed into your device. This isnot an indication that the messagehas been received at the intendeddestination. For more details aboutmessaging services, check with yournetwork operator.■ Text messagesIn the standby mode, select Menu >Messages > Text messages andselect from the following:Create message—Allows you tocreate and send messages. Createmessage is activated by the networkoperator.Inbox—Allows you to check forreceived messages.Sent items—Allows you to check forsent messages.Archive—Allows you to savemessages in an archive.Templates—Includes a selection oftemplates for creating messages.My folders—Allows you to create andname your personal folders.Distribution lists—Allows you todefine a group of up to 10 recipientsto which messages can be addressed.Delete messages—Allows you todelete messages from a selectedfolder or all folders.Message settings—Includes optionsfor changing settings for reading,writing and sending messages.