C a l l r e g i s t e r46 Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.Received callsIn the standby mode, select Menu >Call register > Call duration >Duration of received calls > Detailsto view the duration of calls youreceived.All callsIn the standby mode, select Menu >Call register > Call duration >Duration of all calls to view theduration of all calls.Life timerIn the standby mode, select Menu >Call register > Call duration > Lifetimer.Some timers, including the life timer,may be reset during service orsoftware upgrades.Clear timersIn the standby mode, select Menu >Call register > Call duration > Cleartimers, enter your security code, andselect OK.■ Duration of data andfax callsData and fax calls are a networkservice. See "Network Services",page 9 for more information. If yourwireless network operator supportsthis feature, you can view the size orduration of sent or received data andfax calls.The actual time invoiced for callsand services by your networkoperator may vary, depending onnetwork features, rounding off forbilling, taxes, and so forth.In the standby mode, select Menu >Call register > Data/fax calls andscroll to one of the followingoptions:Last sent data/fax—View the size(kB) of the last send data or fax call.Last received data/fax—View the size(kB) of the last received data or faxcall.All sent data/fax—View the size (kB)of all sent data and fax calls.All received data/fax—View the size(kB) of all received data and fax calls.Duration of last data/fax call—Viewthe duration time of the last data orfax call.Duration of all data/fax calls—Viewthe duration time of all calls.Clear all data/fax registers—SelectOK > Yes to clear all data and faxregisters.