O r g a n i s e r62 Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.Monthly view provides an overviewof the selected month and weeks. Italso allows you to jump to a specificdate. Any days or dates that appearin bold font contain calendar notessuch as a meeting or reminder.OpenIn the standby mode, select Menu >Organiser > Calendar.You can move the cursor in somecalendar views with the scroll keys.Go to a date1. In the standby mode, select Menu> Organiser > Calendar >Options > Go to date.2. Enter the date (for example,07/15/2004), and select OK.Note a specific dateYour device asks for furtherinformation depending on the typeof note you select. You can also setan alarm for your note.1. Go to the date for which youwant to set a reminder. See "Goto a date", page 62.2. From the monthly view, with thedate highlighted, select Options> Make a note.3. Select one of the following notetypes:Meeting—You are prompted toenter a subject, location, and astart and end time. You are thengiven the option to set an alarm.Call—You are prompted to enter aphone number, a name, and thetime. You are then given theoption to set an alarm.Birthday—You are prompted toenter the person’s name and yearof birth. You are then given theoption to set an alarm.Memo—You are prompted toenter a subject and an end date.You are then given the option toset an alarm.Reminder—You are prompted toenter the subject of the reminder.You are then given the option toset an alarm.4. Enter your note, and selectOptions > Save.View notes (day view)After you have created somecalendar notes, you can view themas follows:1. In the standby mode, select Menu> Organiser > Calendar.