S e t t i n g sCopyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. 59Roaming optionsYou can set your device to roam orsearch for another network whenyou are not in your home area. Theseoptions are carrier dependent andmay differ from those described.■ Network servicesfeaturesThe following features are networkservices. See "Network Services",page 9.Store a feature code1. In the standby mode, select Menu> Settings > Network services >Network feature setting.2. Enter the feature code from yournetwork operator (for example,*900 to activate Divert if busy),and select OK.3. Select Call divert.4. Scroll to the type of divertingthat matches the feature codeyou entered (for example, Divertif busy), and select Activate.The activated feature code is nowstored in your device, and you arereturned to the Feature code: field.Continue entering other featurecodes (for example, *900 to cancelDivert if busy), or press the end keyto return to the standby modescreen.When you enter a network featurecode successfully, the featurebecomes visible in the Networkservices menu.Call divertCall divert tells your network toredirect incoming calls to anothernumber. Call divert is a networkservice and may not work the samein all networks, so contact yourwireless provider for availability.ActivateThis is a network service. All optionslisted may not appear in the display.Contact your wireless provider formore information.1. In the standby mode, select Menu> Settings > Network services >Call divert.2. Select one of the followingoptions:Divert all calls—Diverts all calls tothe number you specify.Divert if busy—Divert incomingcalls when you are in a call.Divert if not answered—Divertincoming calls to anothernumber if you are unable toanswer. You can set a delaybefore diverting takes place.