O r g a n i s e rCopyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. 65■ CalculatorThe calculator in your device adds,subtracts, multiplies, divides,calculates the square and the squareroot, changes the sign of the numberentered, and converts currencyvalues.This calculator has a limitedaccuracy and is designed for simplecalculations.1. In the standby mode, select Menu> Organiser > Calculator.2. Enter the first number in thecalculation.Press # for a decimal point ifnecessary.Press * to cycle through the add(+), subtract (-), multiply (*), anddivide (/) characters. Pause brieflyto select the displayed character.3. Enter the second number in yourcalculation.4. Select Options (equals ishighlighted).To perform a square or square rootcalculation, select Options > Squareor Square root. Select Options >Change sign to change the sign ofyour result.Currency converterYou can convert foreign currency todomestic or vice versa.1. In the standby mode, enter acurrency amount to convert.2. Select Options > In domestic or Inforeign.In domestic—converts foreigncurrency to domestic currency.In foreign—converts domesticcurrency to foreign currency.If you have not done so already,you are prompted to enter theexchange rate.3. Enter the exchange rate (press #to insert a decimal), and selectOK.You can also edit the exchange rateat any time.When you change base currency, youmust enter the new rates because allpreviously set exchange rates are setto zero.1. In the standby mode, select Menu> Organiser > Calculator >Options > Exchange rate >Foreign unit expressed indomestic units or Domestic unitexpressed in foreign units.