B a t t e r y i n f o r m a t i o n74 Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.Do not dispose of batteries in a fire,as they may explode. Batteries mayalso explode if damaged. Dispose ofbatteries according to localregulations. Please recycle whenpossible. Do not dispose ashousehold waste.■ Nokia BatteryAuthenticationGuidelines (forbatteries with NokiaHologram labels)Always use original Nokia batteriesfor your safety. To check that you aregetting an original Nokia battery,purchase it from an authorizedNokia dealer, look for the NokiaOriginal Enhancements logo on thepackaging and inspect the hologramlabel using the following steps:Successful completion of the foursteps is not a total assurance of theauthenticity of the battery. If youhave any reason to believe that yourbattery is not an authentic originalNokia battery, you should refrainfrom using it and take it to thenearest authorized Nokia servicepoint or dealer for assistance. Yourauthorized Nokia service point ordealer will inspect the battery forauthenticity. If authenticity cannotbe verified, return the battery to theplace of purchaseHow do you check theauthentication features on thehologram label?Step 1:When looking at the hologram label,you should see the Nokia connectinghands symbol from one angle andthe Nokia Original Enhancementslogo when looking from anotherangle.Step 2:When you angle the hologram to theleft, right, down, and up sides of thelogo, you should see 1, 2, 3, and 4dots on each side respectively.Step 3: